
Sunday, October 15, 2006

I stand in awe of His glory...

I saw the most magnificient worship yesterday night. A worship that links the old hebrew style with the current modern worship. A worship that unite the generations together, a worship that glorifies the Father. It has started. The revolution has started.

It was the Feast of The Tabernacle yesterday. It feels like a celebration because i finished my exams on that same day and there is a actual reason to celebration but more than that, it is a celebration of going into the promised land, the rising up of a new generation that will usher in the presence of Jesus into the land of Singapore. It was a time of loud praises and dance. A worship of many languages marks the day. It's a worship that i will never forget. I saw the kind of worship that is just a small glimpse of heaven but enough to put me in awe. Imagine heaven's worship.

I feel like i'm starting to walk into the life that God have set for me. My destiny and purpose on this earth. WORSHIP. This is my call. So much things and words have been spoken. I am praying for my next step in life. Big decisions and many many implications.

Some things about my songwriting. I am beginning to get directions for it as i stick close to papa God. Sense God wanting to accelerate the process. Was talking to Sharon (coordinator for Feast of the Tabernacle) on wednesday and she somehow didn't know why but felt led to share it with me. She was sharing how God wants a new song from the land which has the flavour of Singapore in it. Just like how God gave Isreal the hebrew style of worship, He wants to give Singapore her own style of worship. The moment she shared that, my heart clicked and i knew straight away that God is speaking to me. I don't take that lightly because it is something that God is saying to me and i know He is giving me directions on how to write. Shortly after that, i spoke to audrey (walking on water's drummer) and she too talk to me about worship in singapore and how singapore is actually proficient enough to match up to the proficiency of overseas worship band. My heart totally agree with her because it is also a cry on my heart to see Singapore bless other nations with worship songs. I know the time is now and God is already raising up a new group of songwriters to write for Him. So rise up songwriters of the joshua generation! It's time to speak with our writings.

In a email sent to the core worship committee of YC, Pastor Lilian wrote this, "We are in the process of building a huge and powerful Joshua Generation Worship Team to usher in the King of Glory!!!" What a powerful statement! Listen up! Joshuas. It's time to rise up! It's time to be proactive. Know your destiny and identity. This is a generation that is raised up to worship and bring His presense in. Be serious about worship. It is our offering.

I have a leading to go with Rev. George to Israel next year for the prayer conference and to be part of the 120 joshuas that he talked about. The moment he shared about that, my heart jumped and i thank God for answering my prayer. I ask God to let me to go to Israel at least once in my life to see to see the children of Israel and immediately He opened a door for me. He is the God who hears and see our desires. There is other visions that i receive in relation to this prayer concert but it's not time yet to share. I am excited. Very excited. It's going to be a exciting time in the year to come.
"God, lead me as i lay my life down at Your altar. This life is Yours and Yours only. Use this life to bring Your glory to earth as it is in heaven. Use it in anyway as You deem fit and use it for Your sole purpose. My heart cries out to You and i'm desperate for Your glory to be shown in my life. Let my life be a sweet sweet offering to You. I dedicate my life to You and i pray that You would use it to advance Your worship on this earth."
I am ready to usher in the presence of Jesus into the nation of Singapore. Are you ready?

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