
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Death, You're defeated...

Death is not scary
when you know you have no regrets.
Death is scary
when there is some much that you are unable to let go,
when there is so much that is left unsettled.
Death is not scary
when you know what lies after it.
Death is not scary
when your hopes are placed in the eternal dwelling with the One that came
to set us free from the wages of sins.
Death is not scary.
Don't let it intimidate you because he's a defeated foe of the One that we place our hopes in.
He will come to save us.
Yes He will.
Trust in it.
Live it.
It's hurting now. i need to take my medicine.

episode 2...

i need to stop walking that fast. the heart just hurt when the movement is too fast.

It's starting...

i can feel the pain intensifying. It's getting worse as the days go by.