
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Christians! Time to rise up!

I was walking along the row of shop houses after having lunch and came across a newspaper stand selling a copy of today's Newpaper and there in the headlines are reactions of the public towards both of the NMPs one whom which is anti-377A and the other pro-377A. Read the report on it and realised that Prof Thio is actually the one who went to Israel on the same trip with Ian. Hearing the kind of abuse that have been hurled at her makes me understand what Jesus was talking about when He told His disciples that they have to lay down their rights and lives in order to follow Him.

This is the time where Christians are called upon to stand up for truth, making sure that our views are being heard and that the world knows what our values are and where we stand. I believe this is not just an echo of what Jesus have taught us, as Christians, but reading reports, the Muslims are also championing the keep377A cause. This is the moral side of the human being that is called upon now. Even from this issue, we see the strong family values which Singapore is founded upon, the foundational truths on which Singaporeans lived by, the code of moral conducts which Singaporeans stand by.

While writing this post, i started reading Prof Thio's speech in parliament and i see so much truth from a christian who is making a impact in the secular world. A christian who's voice is being heard in the government right now. One that stand close to her foundation and making history in the way that she knows and called to. We need more of Prof Thio in this world. Christians need to rise up in their arenas and make their voices heard. Christians need to rule in their arenas and roar as a lion, taking charge of it.

Good job Prof Thio! You are roaring as a lion in your arena!

Let's stand as intercessors for this nation. Pray for more christians in their arenas to start roaring and taking charge of their arenas. Pray for Christians youths to understand the importance of this and to begin living their lives for this purpose. Young people need to know why they are studying and what they are studying. Not just for a good job or a better life next time but the fact that they can be used as a vessel in their arenas by God.

I believe that God is making YC to be a ministry like this. Raise up young people who would rule in their arenas and be a vessel so that God's presence and truth can be brought into that place and rule. So for all those YC-ers who are still studying, this is the biggest reason why you should be studying and let it be your motivation from now on. We want to be people who is equipped so that when the time comes and we are called upon, we can serve! The first batch of YC-ers are already going out to their arenas to serve and this is the first test that God is giving to YC. Let's press on and continue to follow closely with God and see His hands work among us as we bring good news after good news of how YC is impacting the nation and nations.

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