
Saturday, December 09, 2006

Back Again...

It's has been a long 1 month break from blogging. Many things have been happening and my life is just so interesting now.

Recently, i have been on a eating spree with a group of friends from church. We meet every week to spend some time eating and looking for good dessert places. Some of our en devours are like peranakan, botak jones, mummy's food, julian's cooking, BBQ, nepalese and many more to come. From a just meet once a week kind of meeting, now it has become where we meet almost everyday. haha! just so interesting to see how a community can be started just so easily. I realised that human beings always crave for relationship. That's how God have made us to be. We were created to have a relationship with Him and because of that very nature, we also want to have a relationship with everyone we know. (The relationship i'm talking about here is purely a social rather than a romantically one.) So, i believe that God wants us to have relationships with everyone that we know. I guess there is no more excuses of "i just am not that kind of a person." Let's be on this relationship discovering journey and allow God to show us how much He can use our lives if we live for His purpose.

Just like i said in the first part of this entry, lots of things have happened. Some distressing, some happening and some joyful. For the distress part, my favourite aunty sally aka csm was diagnosed with having leukemia. Another case of this over the last 2 years, aunty lydia, kangfei and now aunty sally. I can so clearly hear God shouting, "Live Your Life Right!!!!" i realised that God can also put me in the same situation and take me home just like that but i know i'm not done with my life here yet. The promises and the destiny that He had for my life is not fulfilled yet and i know my time is not up yet. I must live my life right and according to His plan.

Some joyous things for now. I'm at the end of my course! hooray!!!! It has been a long 8 months. I guess time passes real fast while you are studying and suddenly you are faced with your final exams and your graduating project. For my graduating project, i'm going to do a article on the church music of today. Something that is really precious on my heart. Something that i want to do for the rest of my life. "Church Music"

The new ky church building is almost done and we are in the midst of preparing to shift back. I'm beginning to feel all the excitement of God has for ky. New ky people into the new ky building. I just can't wait for the first note to be played in the new sanctuary and the worship that is going to explore from it. A long wait. 1 year and 10 months to be exact. so exciting!

Finally, i'm back in ministry. I'm beginning to be involve in ministry again and more focused on worship this time round. Ready to follow the call God has on my life and ready to pursue it with all i have. I was reading Darlene Zschech's newest book, "The kiss of heaven" and it's giving me so much insight on pursuing the dream that God has for me. One sentences says this, "whatever it is that you truly value, that is where you'll place your time, energy, attention, finances, love and devotion." I'm slowly understanding what this mean. It means that you will give everything to the thing that you are passionate about! It's about God and it's about giving Him everything! It also means that when He calls you to a certain ministry, that where you give everything you have to build that ministry. What big revelation! haha! I am asking God to lead me and allow me to pursue this passion that He have given to me. "Papa God, i'm ready!"

There is just too much photos to upload now. I will try to slowly upload it and hopefully allow you to see the happenings in my life. For now, i need to sleep and get enough rest for a soccer match tomorrow morning at 10am. Hope you enjoyed reading this entry and the same old words, hope it will trigger you into thinking of your passion and your destiny in God. Adious...

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