
Monday, September 04, 2006

My last month of rest...

one more month to the end of my sabbatical rest and so much things is happening once again. AWE night and today's sermon really set the stage for the ending of my sabbatical.

i saw what was my passion yesterday at AWE. youth people worshipping papa God the way they understand and papa God loves it. i saw so many young people giving their all in worshipping papa God and how worship can actually change lives. the prayers that was prayed so many years ago for them are beginning to take place. praying for God to meet them in worship, worshipping in a way that is relevant to them, raising up youth ministries in the cac churches that will be relevant to the youths that they are reaching out to, youth ministries will be fun to the youths, papa God will be real in their lives rather than a god that is spoken to them by their leaders, are all being fulfilled now. one day, we will see an army of cac youths taking the arenas of the secular world by storm.

today we had Rev. George Annadorai speaking at yc. i know it was a anointed time cause it was today that set the stage for my sabbatical end. he talked about the connection between singapore's destiny and yc's destiny. it was co-related. the israelites were circumcised before they entered the promised land not because papa God wanted them to sacrifice something but it's because by circumcision, it prophetically symbolized the coming under the blood (which was referring to the blood of Jesus or coming under papa God's authority) and when they went into Jericho, it was because of the blood that they were all unharmed. no israelites were harmed but everyone on the side of jericho was killed. entering Jericho symbolized the founding of Israel as a nation and it was considered the national day of Israel. when they entered jericho, it was after 40 years and coincidentally, Singapore is 41 this year which means that like Israel, Singapore is entering into her promised land from this moment on. (1st similarity) when Israel entered jericho, the next things that they are going to encounter is the 7 giants of the land which is the 7 different nations or people occupying the promised land. what Singapore is also encountering is the 7 arenas of the nation. (arts and entertainment, business, church, dental and healthcare, education, family, government) (2nd similarity) i was amazed by this prophetic message. i know that papa God definitely placed this message in Rev. George for ky and yc. i know that papa God wants everyone of us to be "circumcised" and be able to move over to the other side of the gate unharmed. God knows that if anyone is to pass through the gate without being circumcised, they will be killed and be struck down by satan. Because satan will use everything that we have done wrong, without confessing our sins, ever since we became a christian to bring us down. in Malachi 3:16 talks about papa God writing down everything in a book of rememberance which records all our good deeds and satan also has one which records all the bad things that we had done. how come? (satan cannot pick on the things that we have done wrong before we become christians because the moment we receive Jesus as our savior, all those sins are already paid for but the sins that we commit after becoming christians will be recorded unless we confess those sins already) when israel entered into the promised land, it was the young people that was leading it. Joshua and Caleb were the caretakers of the new generation which was born in the desert. so none of them were circumcised and that's why they had to be circumcised before they enter the promised land.

so everyone of us need to be under the blood. when Rev. George asked for response, i knew that i had to response. it was significant. i knew i had a breakthrough today. it was time. time to raise the gear again. time to be fervent and time to be spirit-led.

the stage is set and so clear now. step up on the gear and move faster. i know i have to move myself. not about emotions anymore, it's about answering and fulfilling the call of papa God on my life. flowing with the nation and church's destiny. it's all co-related. everything is linked.

it was a time of recollections of papa God's words to me and also a time where i recommit myself back to Him. time to start working again. time to serve again.

Summary of Saturday and Sunday

9am - Soccer
6pm - Guitar teaching @ woodlands
8.30pm - AWE

1.30pm - YC
5pm - jamming
9pm - dinner with ben and ah lap @ PS' Carls Junior

Quote Of The Day
when papa God moves, make sure you are ready to move together with Him.

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